Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 C sourdough culture 2 t cinnamon
1 1/2 C flour 1/2 C oil
1/2 C brown sugar 2 cans cherry pie filling
1/2 C sugar

Mix starter, flour, sugars, cinnamon, and oil in a bowl. Place
cherry filling in bottom of oven; then spread the bowl of mix on top.
Bake 25-30 minutes in covered oven. Serves 8.


1. Blueberry filling instead of cherry
2. Add 1 C of raisins with the fruit filling
3. Add 1/2 C of chopped pecans.

Never a mention of temperature or number of coals or amount
in any of these recipes. From experience you can omit the
yeast in the "Rancher's bread". You might expect a little
longer wait, but the times given are reasonable for the Alaskan
culture I use. Also you might try replacing the 1 C water with
a second C sourdough culture. You should expect this to make
at least 2 loaves for a 10" oven