go get your son a teething ring and put it on the freezer same as what everyone has to say.and have tylenol if hes having a slight fever.. its a worst feeling for them.. give him lots of cold drinks and soothe him. goodluck.
Rub on REAL vanilla extract, not artifical. Old remedy, the alcohol in it will numb the gums!!!
Tips For Treating Teething PainThe teeth (or tooth) that causes the most pain varies from child to child. Some babies appear to have no teething pain at all. For others, it is sometimes the first tooth that causes the most discomfort -- or those big molars, when they arrive. For many babies, working on several teeth at once is the worst. Try these simple remedies to help soothe a sore mouth: Massage -- Rub the gums firmly and gently with a clean finger. The first few passes are sometimes a bit uncomfortable, but babies get more and more relaxed as the massage continues.Something cool to chew on -- Wet washcloths or terrycloth toys fresh from the fridge or freezer can be very effective. Some babies are delighted with smooth, hard objects, like the handle of a hairbrush.Hyland's Homeopathic Teething Tablets or their new natural teething gel --Many parents report that these gentle remedies have been lifesavers.Infant pain-relievers -- Infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen can provide stronger pain relief on occasion, if necessary.Topical anesthetic gels have mixed results. I do not routinely use them. They do deaden the pain, but many babies object to the strange sensation of mouth numbness. The medicines can also suppress the normal protective gag reflexes. The relief they give is very short. If you do use them for your baby, a little bit often works better than a lot.
I found some dissolvable teething tablets when my kids were teething....u put it in their mouth, & it dissolves REAL quick....it sort of numbs the gums....baby tylenol & motrin....as well as taking a teething ring in the freezer...baby orajel....but the teething tablets were a godsend.....I found them at WalGreens for something $5.00 for a bottle of 30....it has been awhile now...my baby is 6 & now losing the ones she got in!...lol
Three things1.Baby Oragel2.Put a teething ring in the freezer then when its well freezing give it to him/her.3.Infant Tylenol
rub some oil of clove on his gums and or use those teething rings you put in the freezer and yes babies who are teething love to chew on a clean facecloth with cold water soaked in it. you can also try rocking and singing to the baby. ......or oragel for infants.
You could try a cold or frozen teething ring. But my son only likes them at room tempurature.A cold wet washcloth works also. Just make sure that he's not eating it. Keep an eye on him.Some Baby Orajel works really good.Use Tylenol.Massage his gums. Brush his teeth with a baby tooth brush.Anything he can chew on he should like. Textured is best.Try some of these things. Hope this helps. Wish you well, been there - done that. Good luck.And when all elce fails remember that it will all pass eventually and the best thing you can do sometimes is just hold them and love them. :)
Try baby Tylenol and get some baby Ora-gel. I had better luck with the juice from soaking cloves in bottled water.If you can get him to chew on one of his stuffed animals or a ice teething ring it helps. Keep his little face moisturized so it doesn't get chapped, hold him a lot, keep him distracted. Sometimes they get diarrhea so give him plenty of applesauce, rice and bananas. Get used to a few sleepless nights. Good luck!
patience!Cold wash cloth to chew on.baby tylinol.simpathy.understanding.the ear of someone who is supportive{not to chew on}!God bless you.Ill pray for you right now.Faithful Jesus,give this person pateince and strength.I lift up this teething baby to you Lord,eas the pain,and give rest comfort and peace.Thank you Father for caring for our every need.