My boyfriend sustained an injury at work today...?


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My boyfriend works in a privately owned coffee shop in town where we live. Today, just seemed to be his lucky day. He works in the kitchen and is a barista there as well. He was cutting hummus in a broken, decrepit food processor that wasn't thrown out or replaced and is owned by the owner of the store. Well let's just say that this processor is WAY beyond repair, you have to use a pencil to turn it on and off. I mean come on. <(As a side note, food processors have a built in safety mechanism that keeps them from operating when the top is off.) Anyway, he chopped the hummus and after making sure it was off, like any capable human being would, he reached inside to take the blades out to refill and continue doing his job, when it shorted out and turned on while his hand was still inside. Needless to say, it was pretty bad. So after getting to the hospital, checking in, being seen by the doctor and leaving, he comes to find that the owner has been making his other fellow employees sign a form that stated he put his hand in it while it was still on and the top was off, when in fact there was was about four other people in the kitchen when this occurred, but no one saw it happen or mentioned the fact that it was still on. Okay, a couple things I should fill you in on before we continue. One - the owner of this restaurant is a ex-serviceman and accountant. Two - half of her "employees" are actually volunteers working for food credit, Three - It is NOT a known fact if she has actual business insurance or not, Four - She's fighting Worker's Compensation about this incident. Five - She actually stated to other employees that if he has outside insurance, there would be no need to claim through workers compensation. If you where in this situation and dedicated your life to help run another "good natured" person's business, a STRUGGLING business at that, to keep it open, what action would you take? If you are like me, I told him to sue her ass.