Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
4 Eggs
12 ounce Spaghetti, Cooked & Chopped
¼ teaspoon Black Pepper
4 tablespoon Parmesan Cheese, Grated
2 tablespoon Olive Oil
½ cup Mozzarella Cheese, Diced
2 large Tomatoes, Diced
2 Green Onions, Chopped
2 ounce Prosciutto, Sliced
2 tablespoon Parsley, Chopped

In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs. Mix in the spaghetti, pepper and grated parmesan. In a non-stick skillet, heat the oil and add half of the pasta mixture, spreading it out to the edges like a pancake. Spread the diced mozzarella in a single layer on top, then layer on the tomatoes, green onions and prosciutto. Finish by spreading the remaining pasta on top and pouring any egg left in the bowl over it. Cook on low until the bottom is browned and crisp, about 5 mins.

When the bottom has set and is golden brown, flip the frittata over, using either a large spatula or sliding it onto a plate and then inverting it back into the pan. Cook, uncovered, another 5 mins, or until the bottom is crisp and golden. To serve, slide the frittata out of the pan. Cut into wedges and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve warm or at room temperature.