Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 ea stick of butter 8 oz Provolone cheese
1 ea large onion, chopped 5 ea jalapenos, chopped
2 tb Bacon drippings 2 ea clove garlic, chopped
1 qt cooked pinto beans 1 ds salt
12 servings
Melt butter in large pan; add onions and saute them until soft. Add
bacon drippings. Add beans and mash, adding bean juice if needed. Cook
over low heat mashing and stirring until desired consistency is
reached. Add remaining ingredients. Stir over low heat until cheese is
melted. Taste for seasonings, adding reserved jalapeno juice if
needed. Serve in a chafing dish with tostados or corn chips. Can be
frozen or stored in refrigerator. Hint - this dip is much better if
it is made the day before. If you do, warm over low heat before