RAT Problem Pointe West Golf Course Amherstburg Ontario Canada!


Staff member
I would like to warn the public, so that anyone who might golf and/or eat the food at Pointe West Golf Course Amherstburg Ontario Canada. DO NOT EAT THE FOOD THERE!! They have a BIG RAT problem, have no plans to clean it up and are putting their customers health at risk. The problem started from opening day mid April 2008. The head chef(Beatrice Damore) knows about it. The rats get in to the food every night leaving droppings everywhere. My girlfriend worked there for over a month coming home in disgust at what the rats got in to each night and left behind. A few times the rats got in to all the Doritos, bread and muffins, chewing open the bags leaving dropping on the counters. It is generally assumed by the Pointe west employees the rats are nesting under the food shack. Their kitchen cleanliness is way below average as well, no hairnets, gloves, same utensils use for many food items

Some of the diseases they carry or cause include:
Rickettsial pox a disease similar to chicken pox and is spread to people by mites that are usually found on mice.

Rat bite fever is spread to people when they are bitten by an infected mouse, rat or rodent.

Food poisoning (namely salmonellosis) is spread to people when food, food preparation surfaces or dishes are contaminated by saliva, urine or feces from a mouse or rat.

Mice and rats can spread parasites to people such as trichinosis and tapeworms.

Hantavirus is a respiratory disease that is carried by small rodents, especially deer mice. It is spread to people when they breathe in dust that contains the rodents infected saliva, urine or feces. Although uncommon, people can also get hantavirus if they are bitten by an infected mouse.

Plague is spread to people when they come in contact with fleas from infected rodents or when people are bitten by infected rodents. However, today plague is usually spread to people by rodents like prairie dogs and squirrels.

I hope someone finds this information useful.
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