Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
I made this today and it came out great. Where it says cook until light to med caramel color, about 3-5 minutes, I actually found that took more like 30-45 seconds. Watch it closely and don't take your eyes off it.

4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup white sesame seeds, toasted
1 teaspoon sea salt (Hawaiian or white)

In a medium saucepot over high heat, melt butter and sugar and stir to combine. Without stirring, cook until mixture becomes a light to medium caramel color, about 3-5 minutes, then add sesame seeds and stir in. Pour mixture onto a silpat* and spread into an even, thin layer, about 1/8 to /4-inch thick, with wooden spoon. (Don't worry if shape is irregular.) Immediately sprinkle sea salt over top of mixture and lightly press into caramel using spoon. Allow to set-up for about 10-15 minutes. When brittle has hardened and cooled, break into pieces and enjoy. Store in an air-tight container.

*If not using a silpat use a 1/2 sheet pan with parchment sprayed generously with cooking spray or wax paper.