Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 lg Sweet potatoes 1/3 c Milk
1/2 c Butter, melted 1 ts Vanilla
1/2 c Sugar 2 Eggs
8 servings
1 c Chopped pecans 1/3 c Butter, melted
1 c Light brown sugar 1 ts Vanilla
1/3 c Flour

Peel and slice sweet potatoes into 1/4 inch slices. Cook in water and
drain and mash. (I prefer to bake mine.) Beat with electric beaters,
stopping every so often to remove any strings that may collect on beaters.
Add butter and sugar to warm potatoes and continue mixing. Add milk,
vanilla and eggs. Mix well and put in a buttered casserole dish about 8" x
12". Mix the Pecan Topping ingredients and crumble over top of casserole.
Bake 30 minutes at 350 . Freezes well before or after cooking. Serves