There's this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke again, an i think he likes me?


New member
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

ok, you need to hear the whole story. there is this guy at my chuch and he has been teasing me latly and fliting with me an in my first ? like this i asked about the signs..he shws alot of those, but ive gotten my heart broken b4 and im scared to start a relationship. by the way, there is a variaty of questions on here, some about babies and some about marrige cuz i post ?s for my thats what all the marrige and teething is...sorry, back to the point, yea im just scared, is there anything wrong with me???ok i had to add somthing, the guy i like is a good guy, hes a CHristain and i dont think he would hurt me, but the thing is, ive been hurt so badly b4...i find it hard to just hand out my heart also,i think im in love (that sounds cheezy) i find myself hurting when i think that maybe he likes me , but at the same time i find myself in a jpyous mood...whats real love? and also, how many years apart is it ok to ne in a relation ship . for example, my freind is 14 and her BF is 14 is that ok?ok the BF was 17 i accidentaly pushed the four
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

just take a chance any one that woiuld hurt u is not a good man any how
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

nothing wrong with being nervous. Especially if you've had your heart broken severely.Time heals hearts. So just wait, and if it happens, then it happens.
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

no u guys may have a crush on each other. but to be honest just be friends. it will be better. dont rush into like a relationship when u r not ready. so try to be single as long as u can. (it will save u an headache, lol)
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

What you have to lose! Would you rather regret of have the ability to say I tried that!
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

Your thinking about it too much. Let what happens happen. Do and say what comes natural for you. Things will fall into place.
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

if you are afriad of getting hurt then you might as well hide in a box. you have to take a chance and dont think you are going to be hurt.
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

no hun u is juss like ne otha girl
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

i don't know what to tell you
theres this guy i think i like him back and im scared to get my heart broke agian, an i think he likes me?

The greatest things in life involves risk. Without great risk there wouldn't be rewards. Sometimes the best things in life are received after you take great risks. You may get hurt or you may find your true love but you have to take a chance to find out. But if you think that you should then don't , just be sure you follow your heart.