Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
12 eggs, yolks and whites separated

2 cups superfine sugar

2 pints rum

3 pints milk

1 pint heavy cream




Beat the egg yolks and sugar together until thick. Then stir in the rum,
milk and cream. Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled and pour into a punch
bowl or pitcher. Beat the egg whites until stiff and stir into the eggnog.
Stir in cinnamon and sprinkle the nutmeg on top.

It's easy to change the recipe up as well. Add a little sophistication to
the mix and stick it to the English by replacing the rum with brandy-
celebrating the fact that all our liquor taxes now go to our own duly
elected government. Or make it a truly American drink by using bourbon. The
natural sweetness of Kentucky's finest matches well to the creamy eggnog and
adds a mellow burn to the cocktail. Plus, it adds a little testosterone to
the drink. Given that few make it through a glass of eggnog without a milk
mustache, it can't hurt to man it up a little. Even if you're a woman.

Other options include:

1 pint of coffee liqueur, such as like Kahlua, mixed with 1 pint light rum -
which would result in a incredibly creamy coffee-flavored concoction on a
par with the most delicious Frappucino of all time.

1 pint of pumpkin liqueur, such as Bols Pumpkin Smash, mixed with 1 pint
bourbon - delivering a delicious, and drinkable, pumpkin pie.

2 pints of tequila with a tablespoon of cayenne pepper in place of the
cinnamon and nutmeg- a spicy take on eggnog perfect for the tequila craze.
Just make sure to use a good silver or reposado tequila, such as Don Roberto
or Patron.