What are the chances of a miscarriage after I have see the heartbeat?


New member
I am eight weeks along and I went to hospital because I had some spotting, they did a pelvic exam, took blood and did an ultrasound. Everything looked normal, my baby measured normal, There was a good heartbeat at 168 bpm. I just wanted to know if my risk of miscarriage goes down because there was a strong heartbeat?
I have heard it is less than five percent. I hate to scare you, but anything is possible. I saw the heartbeat with my pregnancy before this one, at 7 w 1d, then went back at 10 weeks and it was gone. Sad, but it can occasionally happen. The good news is that it doesn't increase your risk of future miscarriage - I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant.I know it's hard to relax, but that's what you have to do. What is meant to be will be, and only time can tell you that. I wish you the best.