What are the chances of miscarriage after seeing heart flutter at 6 weeks 5 days?


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I had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and saw the "heart flicker" of my little bean. I am so paranoid though. Does he chance of miscarriage drop once you see the flicker or does it drop once you have established a heart rhythm?I have had cramping on and off. Nothing terrible or notable. Just enough to make me wonder if everything is okay.
Your chances of miscarriage go down some, but the chances will go down even more when you get to the second trimester.
I've read that the risk of miscarriage drops to around 5% once you see the heart beating, so I'd say things are looking good for you :) **Added** For whoever thumbs-downed my answer, you can look it up yourself:http://www.babycenter.com/0_understanding-miscarriage_252.bchttp://miscarriage.about.com/od/pregnancyafterloss/f/oddsheartbeat.htm
you are less likely to miscarry when you have hit 3 months. Even with a heartbeat you can still have a miscarriage, don't consider it something that you can change if its meant to happen then it will with or without your help. I heard my babies heart beat and a week later he or she was already gone. Don't worry to much about it though, just be happy. Enjoy it if you are worried then call your dr, they should be able to walk you through any question or concerns that you may have. Hope you have a bouncing happy baby.
I had a little bit of cramping with my first pregnancy and it was completely normal. There is always a chance of miscarriage in the first trimester (first 3 months). If you are not spotting (bleeding) then I wouldn't worry. Take it easy, don't do anything strenuous, eat right. These are the only things you can do. There isn't anything you can do to prevent or stop a miscarriage. Women have miscarriages for unknown reasons. As long as your doctor feels everything is normal just relax. Good luck with your pregnancy! By the way Faith is a pretty girls name!
The chance of a miscarriage drops from 20% to 5% once you see the heartbeat. Just remember that cramping is normal and unless it gets unbearable or is accompanied by bleeding, your baby is probably okay.Congrats and good luck!
The chances do drop slightly once a heartbeat is seen. But you cant really relax in till after the 12 week mark. Even then it can STill happen. But try and relax and look after yourself. Congratulations.
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