What are the vitamins or supplements that can make my metabolism normal?


New member
My body is thin eventhough i am eating always. According to my friends, my metabolism is too fast that's why the foods and nutrients i ate can't stay longer on my body. What do i do to have my body normal like others or is there any vitamins i could take in order to have normal metabolism like others? Please help me....
Dude, be grateful for what you've got. A few years from now your friends are all going to be fat and ugly, and you'll still be lean. You are normal. You have the body you're supposed to have. People with thin bodies live healthier, longer lives.If you want to have more muscles, lift weights, but don't try to put on extra pounds just to look like everybody else.You don't have to have the same body type as other people to be attractive. Do you think Leonardo DiCapprio has any trouble getting women?Don't waste your youth wishing you had someone else's body. Enjoy the body you've got. If you don't, when you get older, you'll wish you had.Thin is in!