What vitamins should a teenage girl be taking?


New member
I'm 19 year old female and want to take care of my body while I'm young. What vitamins can I taking now that will benefit me later? I started taking a Multivitamin a week ago but that's it. I would also like something that would help with my skin other then drinking water. I already drink two liters of water every day. I know a healthy diet is a must but all I'm looking for is vitamin information. Thanks!


New member
i absolutely do NOT suggest taking one-a-day teens for her. it makes you extremely nauseous and doesn't really do much for your body.


New member
Take a good multi-vitamin with lots of trace minerals, omega-3, CoQ10, and a good antioxidant every day. Be certain that they are bio-absorbable. So many vitamins and pills are found in the sewer system, the never dissolve and go right through you. Can't suggest a brand name here in public, unfortunately. As for your skin, it is the largest organ we have and it can be positively affected by those vitamins, from the inside out. RICK Always available to chat directly.