Why does my child need a chickenpox shot? Isn't it a mild disease?


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My mother keeps nagging me about getting my chickenpox shot, and she doesn't even have chickenpox, never has either. Should I get anyway, I mean chickenpox aren't that big of a deal, I never got them so I doubt she will, but I wanna wait until she actually gets chickenpox.What should I do?
You? Or your child? For children, chicken pox is a nuisance but not a major harm. And it creates a lifetime immunity. But if an adult comes down with it, it can actually be deadly. But by getting an immunization, you can avoid even the aggravation of a mild disease, but better, you can eliminate the possibility of contracting a deadly disease later in life. A shot is essentially the same as getting the illness without going through the entire process and aggravation of the illness.
chicken pox can form inside the body on the heart on the lungs they are really bad. Especially for a pregnant or elderly woman she can get them and pass them to the fetus and they can kill the fetus. In older adults they call them shingles not chicken pox's and they cause the internal bleeding and so on. So why would you want to be ignorant and, say let her get them. What if she did and it killed her? The chicken poxs is from the measles and small pox family very destructive to the body!