Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
6 yolks
5 Tbsp sugar
zest of 2 oranges, 1 lemon-grated
3 Tbsp orange juice -fresh
3 Tbsp Grand Marnier

6 whites
3 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp lemon juice

=Blanch the yolks with the sugar and the zest until very pale and thick. Add orange juice, whip until incorporated.
Whip the egg whites, incorporating the sugar a little at a time until stiff peaks form, then quickly whip in lemon juice.
Be sure not to whip the egg whites to the point of being grainy.
Rapidly stir about 1/4 of whites into yolk mixture, then gently fold in rest of whites.
Pour into 4 buttered and floured 12 ounce souffle dishes (Appr. 4.5in in diameter)