Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Yield: 1 Quart


* 4 c Onions sweet; chopped
* 1 c Vinegar white
* 1 tb Mustard Seeds
* 1/2 ts Ajawein Seed - (Indian spice) - or
* 1 1/2 ts Celery seed
* 1/2 ts Allspice ground
* 1/4 ts Pepper flakes red
* 1 ts Coriander ground
* 1/2 c Sugar


Brown Mix together all ingredients. Pack into a 1 quart glass or plastic container. Refrigerate for 1 week before using. Nutrition per 1/4 cup calories 35 protein 0 grams fat 0 grams sodium 3 m_grams carbohydrate 8 grams cholesterol 0 m_grams fiber 0 grams Notes and Credits To retain maximum crunch this relish is not heat-sterilized so it must be kept refrigerated. If you are looking for the sweetest onion always select the flattest shape. The more rounded or globular it is the hotter it generally is. Sometimes the tops of the onions almost seem to be slightly depressed in the center. They will have the thickest layers and the sweetest flavor.