Katie Girl

New member
I Have got a balcony that I plan on producing herbs with. I possess a couple ceramic pots and am rummaging for a couple of more. I do cook a bit and plan to grow chives, cilantro and basil unquestionably. Does anybody have some hints for growing herbs or whatever tips for other herbs that I could produce??
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New member
I grew herbs on my balcony in one big tub:RosemaryThymeMintBasilParsley.The Mint and Rosemary and Parsley quickly took over the rest and now that is all that is left is the parsley I believe.....So keeping them seperate is good!But the above three seemed to grow quickly in Northern England conditions..
Basil is easy--and check out the several different flavors!Also, sage grows easily and is a nice contrast with the cilantro and basil.Lemongrass, peppermint, and thyme are other good choices.


New member
Hi:I have grown thousands of herbs from seeds. There are basically two types of herbs, culinary and ornamental. Any of these types would do well in a container garden on your balcony. Here are some basic culinary herbs you could grow:RosemaryThymeOreganoChivesBasilDillSage ParsleyThere are many ornamental herbs:Bee BalmLamb's EarsBorageChamomileFeverfewHyssopThese are just a few. I will link you to the spices and herb section of my website. Browse through and see if you can find other herbs or spices you could use. There is a page on growing herbs from seeds that you might be interested in. I will also link you to the site map, as this page has everything that is on the website. You might be interested in the garden project section, as there is a page on container gardening. Good luck to you and have a great day! If you need further suggestions, please feel free to contact me at the website.Kimberly http://www.landscape-solutions-for-you.com/Spices.htmlhttp://www.landscape-solutions-for-you.com/Site.html