Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 cup sour dough starter (I made mine from potato water)
2 cups flour
2 cups milk (I used powdered never had fresh available, but fresh ok)
1 tsp salt

mix above in crock or bowl (not stainless steel) cover with kitchen
towel or cheescloth, let stand overnight. In AM when nice and bubbly

2 tsp baking soda
2 eggs
3-4 tablespoons melted shortening or butter
2 tsp sugar
fresh blueberries (if your lucky enough to have them growing around

Pour large silver dollar size batter on hot griddle, cook and turn.
Serve with lots of syrup and butter and river coffee. These also
went great in backpacks for endurance on the trail. The stronger the
starter the stronger the pancake.