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Ingredients for alu paratha :


2 boiled Potatoes
1 small finely chopped Onion (optional)
Coriander leaves finely chopped
Small piece of Ginger (very finely chopped or grated)
1 or 2 green Chilies (finely chopped)
Salt Red Chili powder and Garam masala as per taste

Preparation of aaloo paratha :

* For the cover make dough out of whole-wheat flour (atta), as you would do for
any parantha/roti.

* Mash the potatoes.

* Add all the stuffing items to mashed potatoes and mix it properly.

* Make two medium size chapati, add the filling to the one chapati and cover it with the second one.

* Now roll it slightly. Put it in a pre-heated oven at 450-degree. Cover top oven grill with aluminum foil & Place Paratha over it for easy baking.

* When top side is done change the side and keep a check (till properly baked)

* Spread butter over it. Serve aloo paratha hot with yogurt (curd).