Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder

Rajma/ kidney beans 1/2 cup
Tomato puree 1/2 cup
Atta(wheat flour) 2-3 cups
Green chillies 5-8
Red chilli powder 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste

Method of preparation:

Soak rajma overnight in 3 cups of water.
Cook in 2 cups of water in a pressure cooker for 3 whistles.
Mash cooked rajma and add atta(wheat flour), tomato puree, finely chopped green chillies,
red chilli powder and salt to it.
Knead into soft dough and keep covered for 15-30 minutes.
Make parathas out of it and serve with fresh yogurt.

How to make parathas:

Divide the kneaded dough into big lemon sized balls.
Roll out each portion into 10 inch sized discs sprinkling wheat flour if needed.
Heat flat pan. when it becomes hot, place one paratha.
Cook one side of paratha until u see little bubbles underneath.
Turn on other side, add little oil to first cooked side.
Turn again and add little oil to second cooked side.
Serve hot.

Notes: I added bit of senaga podem to yogurt.
And you can make parathas without oil.
Senaga podem: Grind roasted gram, garlic, red chillies, cumin seeds and salt to powder