Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 1/2 pounds pork sausage
10 medium to large jalepenos
1 pound cheddar cheese
10 biscuits in a can (like Hungry Jack or similar)

Cut the stem off of pepper and scoop out the seeds and membranes, unless you like them HOTHOTHOT!! Slice the cheese in strips to fit into the pepper, stuff inside. Pat out a patty of sausage and pat it around the pepperand seal as best you can.. Bake at 350°F til sausage is done, can't remember how long. Take out of oven and let cool. Roll biscuit out flat and wrap around pepper. Seal by pinching with fingers. Bake at whatever temperature it says on the biscuit can. (I do the sausage part the night before, and just finish up by doing the biscuit part right before the party) ENJOY!