Benadryl has dairy!?


New member
I've only been dealing for food allergies for about a year, so I'm still learning. Well I just found out that Benadryl chewables has dairy, and they can't guarantee safety from cross contamination. What can I use in place of benadryl? My kids are allergic to dairy/tomato/some bugs. We have no need for epi pen, but did use benadryl a lot. I think this explains why we had so many ER visits after what should have been minimal reactions!
Not sure about your question, but you may want to have their immune systems checked since allergies are the result of an overreactive immune system. I would think that dairy and tomato allergies would be the result of an enzyme deficiency, since their systems probably can't break down the foods. Bug allergies may necessitate the epi pen. Good luck!
My son has a milk allergy. I learned the hard way to read all the ingredient to everything he puts in his mouth. We use a liquid generic from Wal-Mart. Lactose is a filler in many medications. I always ask the pharmacist to make sure his meds have no milk product in it. It can be in many things from chewing gum to liquid hand soap. Good luck. It gets easier with time and routines.