Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Yield: 1 Batch


* 2 lb Moist sugar
* 1/2 pt Water


Cream of tartar Colouring Flavoring essence Tartaric acid 1 ds Golden syrup All British Sizes - Sorry! Blackpool Rock is exported all over the world and is famous for having names running right through it. The method of adding the names is beyond the scope of written explanations and would take an actual demonstration to learn. To 'PULL' Sugar To pull sugar takes some learning but can be mastered:) Turn the cooked sugar on to a oiled slab and leave until cool enough to handle. Oil your hands and working quickly pull between the hands until it acquires a lighter colour and a satin finish. As it begins to set the mix is rolled into a long cylinders shape and cut with a sharp knife or scissors. Dissolve sugar in the water add a good 3/4 ts cream of tartar and boil to 'Large Crack' degree [312f.]. Pour onto an oiled slab and add coloring and flavoring. ie: Red colour for raspberry or strawberry yellow with pineapple essence. Add just a pinch of tartaric acid and the golden syrup. Work well following the directions for 'Pulling Sugar' above. If you you want traditional looking rock: Set aside a small portion and colour it red. Roll it out thin and wrap the flavoured/coloured mix inside it. Lots of skill needed to get it right. Asbestos fingers are also helpful if you wish to avoid burns