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2 Green Capsicum or Green Bellpepper (cut into medium size cubes)
1 chopped onion
1/2 tsp jeera
1/2 tsp mustards
few curry leaves
3 chopped garlic pods
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1″ chopped ginger juliens
1 chopped tomato
1 tsp chilli powder
salt as per taste
Chopped fresh coriander leaves for garnish


Once heat the oil in a vessel, add jeera and mustards. Let them pop. Add chopped garlic pods, ginger juliens,curry leaves and onions, fry till they become lightly golden colour on medium flame.
Add turmeric powder and cube sized capsicum pieces, mix well, covered, stirring, cook for 10 minutes on low flame.
After that add chopped tomato, mixl, covered, cook for another 5 minutes.
Remove the lid, add chilli powder and salt, mix, cook for more 3 minutes. If curry is watery, then leave it on low flame with out covering. After that sprinkle the chopped coriander leaves, turn off the heat.
It goes well with hot rice and also with chapathis.