Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 pkg coconut cream pie fllling 1 pkg
3 cups coffee cream 700 mL
1 cup coconut 250 mL
2 tbs coconut extract 30 mL
1 small pkg nutri whip cream + 1/2 tsp/10 mL of coconut extract, added to nutri whip cream 1 small pkg
1/2 cup roasted coconut 125 mL
1 cooked and cooled pie shell 1

Put coconut cream pie filling, coffee cream, coconut and coconut extract into a medium size sauce pan, on medium heat, stiring until thickens and comes to a boil. Stir after it boils for 1 minute, then remove from heat. Pour into 1 cooked pie shell. Let cool. Top with whipped nutri whip cream. Sprinkle with roasted coconut