Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Serves/Makes:Makes 24 nice sized squares

1/2 lb (.2 kg). butter
2 cups (475 ml) flour
8 oz (224 grm). cream cheese
3/4 tsp (4 ml) salt
Raspberry Jam and Damson Plum Jam (use your favorite jam)

Cut the softened butter into small pieces and mix with the flour until well blended.
Add the cream cheese and salt; mix thoroughly.
Refrigrate until dough is firm.
Roll out the dough and cut into 2 inch to 3 inch squares (depending on how big you want them).
Place a tsp or so of the jam or marmalade in the center of each square.
Fold the corners to the center and press together.
Bake at 400 degrees (200 C.) until lightly browned.
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