Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder

* Cake:
• 2 cups flour
• 1 cup milk
• 1 ½ cup of cold boiled water
• 2 eggs
• 1 flat teaspoon of salt
• oil for frying instead of frying in oil, you can add oil
to the dough about ½ cup

* Stuffing:
• 0,5 kg mushrooms - 17,63 oz
• 0,5 kg sauerkraut
• 0,5 kg minced meat
• 1 large onion
• salt and pepper to taste

* Coating of eggs and breadcrumbs:
• 2 eggs
• bread crumbs
• oil for frying


The dough can be prepared quickly with a mixer. It should have a consistency of thick cream. Fried pancakes on both sides with prepared dough. Then proceed to prepare the stuffing. Fry the minced meat. Slice sour cabbage and cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Peel and wipe the mushrooms or cut into small. Stew on the pan and add diced onion. Then add fried meat and cabbage to the mushrooms. Stew stuffing still about 10 minutes on a low flame and seasoned to taste with salt and pepper in its sole discretion. Stuffing is allowed to stand to cool. Put the cold stuffing in pancakes and wrap as croquettes - 2 sides of the combine to middle and wrap. Coat croquettes in the egg and in breadcrumbs. Then fried to golden color. Croquettes served with red borsch. Bon Appetit.