Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Avocado replaces butter in this cupcake's frosting, making it a slightly healthier option. You could also substitute a white chocolate or vanilla frosting, and dusting with coconut, pecans or toasted almonds to perfectly complement the flavour and offset the richness of the chocolate cake.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
You need:
2 cups very ripe avocado flesh (use the ripest you can find before the flesh has turned brown – cut out any brown bits)
1.5 cups Tate & Lyle Fairtrade Icing sugar
1.5 tsp lemon juice

To make:
Using a hand mixer, blend the avocado with the lemon juice until you achieve a smooth consistency, working out any lumps. Slowly blend in the sugar, increasing the speed of the mixer as you go (feel free to add more or less powdered sugar to achieve a consistency & taste you like) Using a zester, create some dark Divine chocolate shavings and sprinkle onto the frosting and top with a cooled toasted walnut.