
Very easy to prepare. Not quite as rich as the Traditional Eggnog.

12 large eggs
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
3/4 tsp. salt
12 cups homogenized milk (for richness)
3 tbsp. vanilla
2 cups brandy (see Note)
1/2 cup rum (see Note)
Ground nutmeg, sprinkle
Makes 28 servings, 5oz each
Beat eggs in extra large bowl until light.
Continue beating while adding sugar and salt gradually.
Beat until sugar is dissolved.
Add milk and vanilla.
Add brandy and rum.
Adjust strength by increasing or decreasing liquor.
May be refrigerated up to 24 hours before serving or stored, covered, in refrigerator for 6 days.
To serve, run through blender to foam.
Garnish with a sprinkle of nutmeg.

Liquor may be left out and 5-6 tbsp. rum flavoring added instead.