Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Ingredients

Serves 2.
2 cups (0.5l) Diced mango (avoid fibrous -- parts)
1/4 cup (62ml) Chinese preserved black -- beans, rinsed
1/4 cup (62ml) Green onions -- thinly sliced the bias
1/4 cup (62ml) Diced red onions
2 tablespoons (10g) Grated ginger
2 Red jalapeno peppers -- sliced in thin circle
1 small Sweet red pepper -- diced
1/2 cup (125ml) mixed, chopped fresh Oregano
Zest and juice of one lime
Zest and juice of one orange
1/4 cup (62ml) Rice wine vinegar
1 cup (250ml) Light olive oil
1 tablespoon (5g) Toasted cumin seed

  1. Mix together all ingredients; adjust seasoning with salt and citrus.
  2. let sit for a few hours before serving.