Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder

3 tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp lemon juice
3/4 cup butter
2 lbs large scallops
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat a pan over a medium heat and melt the butter. Add the minced garlic for a minute, until fragrant

2. Add the scallops and cook on the first side until they are about halfway cooked. (Should take a few minutes.) Turn the scallops and finish cooking. (They should be firm and opaque.)

3. Put the scallops aside on a plate and add the lemon juice to the hot butter and garlic in the pan. Season to taste.

4. Serve the scallops on a bed of steamed or roasted vegetables with the lemon and garlic butter sauce on top. Spinach and asparagus go very well with scallops. Additionally, sprinkle some fresh parsley or chives on top if available.