Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 c rolled oats, ½ c packed brown sugar, ¼ c flour, 1 tsp e b soda and cinnamon, ¼ tsp salt, 1½ c chopped walnuts, ½ c dried cherries, cranberries, raisins or currants, ½ c dark chocolate chips or more dried fruit, ½ c green pumpkin seeds, ½ c shredded unsweet coconut, ¼ c white sesame seeds, 2/3 c packed dried apricots, 1/2c soft butter, ½ c honey – line 13 x 9 metal pan with parchment. In bowl toss together oats, sugar, flour, b sodd, cinnamon and salt, add nuts, dried fruit, chips, both seeds and coconut. Toss to distribute. Chop apricots very finely, add butter and puree to a paste in processor, add honey and blend well, make sure you whiz mix to a smooth paste, scrape apricot mix over rolled oats mix, with wooden spoon mix sticky and dry items togeter well to form a dense mix that holds tog. You may need to use your hands in which case oil them lightly – scrape into pan, press evenly, lightly grease hands if needed. Bake in 325 ove til slightly darker around edes 20-25 mins, cool on rack. Cut into 36 bas. Wrap individually in waxed paper and store in airtight container in fridge or freezer.