
Staff member
5 cups all-purpose flour (5 to 5 1/2 cups)
2 packages Fleischmann's® Active Dry Yeast
3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1 cup plus 1 tablespoon water
2/3 cup solid packed pumpkin
1/4 cup butter or margarine, cut up
1 egg white, beaten
4 raisins
Wheat germ or unprocessed bran
Servings: 16
1. In large bowl, combine 2 cups flour, undissolved yeast, brown sugar, salt, cinnamon and allspice. Heat 1 cup water, pumpkin and butter until very warm (120º to 130ºF); add to dry ingredients. Beat 2 minutes at low speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Add 1/2 cup flour; beat 2 minutes at high speed. With spoon, stir in enough remaining flour to make soft dough.

2. Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover; let rise in warm, draft-free place until doubled in size, about 40 to 60 minutes.

3. Punch down dough. Divide dough in half; reserve one half for second owl. Divide remaining dough half into 2 equal pieces; shape one into 7 × 5-inch oval. Place on greased baking sheet for body.

4. Divide remaining dough in half; shape one into smooth (4-inch diameter) ball; place above body for head. Remove 1/4 of remaining dough piece; divide again in half and roll into balls. Place balls above head for ears; pinch tops to make pointed ears.

5. Divide remaining dough in half; roll to 6-inch ropes. Place one rope on each side of body for wings. With sharp knife, cut 2 (3/4-inch diameter) circles on head for eyes. Press 1 raisin in center of each circle. Repeat with reserved dough to make second owl. Cover; let rise in warm, draft-free place until doubled in size, about 30 to 45 minutes.

6. With scissors, make one snip in "V" shape on faces for beak. Make one snip on each ear and several snips on wings for feathers. Recut eyes if needed. Brush owls with egg white mixture. Sprinkle wheat germ on ovals (body) only. Bake at 375ºF for 20 minutes or until done. Remove from pans; cool on wire racks.

Yield: 2 Owls
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