Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Yield: 8 Servings


* 8 Slices bread; toast remove -crusts and then butter and -halve.
* 2 c Cooked ham; diced
* 2 c Cheese; shredded
* 3 Eggs
* 2 c Milk


Salt and pepper; to taste Toast the bread cut off crusts butter while hot and halve. Spread 4 slices with mustard and place on bottom of baking dish. Sprinkle with the 2 cups of ham. Place 4 remaining slices on ham. Sprinkle with the 2 cups of shredded cheese. Mix the eggs milk salt and pepper well and pour over the above. Chill in refrigerator for an hour. Bake in slow oven about an hour or until firm.