help with a teething baby? teething rings and chewing on stuff not helping, nor is infant tylenol.?


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help with a teething baby? teething rings and chewing on stuff not helping, nor is infant tylenol.?
those plastic ice cubes (with liquid in them, that you keep in your freezer to keep them cold) are good. The cold numbs it for the baby. Remember that as they are teething, they will be drooling like crazy and ornery as heck. It ends, though...
two words...this worked soooo well with my baby brother..."BABY ORAJEL". Just smear some on your finger and rub it on their gums...they will be laughing in seconds.
I saw a television special once that mentioned that frozen foods - like carrots - are exceptional for teething children.
Baby orajel- definately works well, also there is one type of teething ring I found at Walmart, thta was soft and had water inside, which most teethers are a hard plastic this one was flexible and soft. that also helped, good luck :) They are so cute with teeth!
A little whiskey on the tooth will help. Well thats what our parents did when we were teething and that is what I did when with my boys.Good Luck