Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Once the charcoal is lit and the aluminum pan and smoke box are in place:

Place the chicken on the grill above the aluminum drip-pan AWAY from the heat area.
Cover the grill and let the chicken cook/smoke for 1 1/2 hours, uncovering to turn the meat every 30 minutes (WITHOUT opening the grill to peek in between!). Don't worry if you don't see much smoke coming off the grill. The goal is a light, smoky flavor; too much smoke makes chicken taste bitter.
After 1 hour (when turning the meat), add another 5 or so unlit briquettes onto the fire.
After 1 1/2 hours, baste the chicken with the BBQ sauce mixture, turning again after 15 minutes.
Once the chicken has cooked on the grill for a total of 2 hours, remove it and serve! The meat should be tender and smoky (slightly pink in color), and the skin should be slightly crisp with the sauce beginning to caramelize. Enjoy!