I stopped up the Kitchen sink with potato peels. It's not moving at all. Got any good tips?

Right. drain cleaners do not work. Remove the trap and clean it out OR use a wetvac in the opening of the drain.
Why would you do that? You need to take the pluming works under the sink apart and clean the u joint out. It's not hard to do. And don't do that again.
Try a plumbers snake, it a long thin metallic thing that can be fed into the pipe and twisted to unjam any solid material stuck in the pipe, or you could just call a plumber....
coat hanger might be used to pull the peels out, then flush with plenty of water. If you know how to use a wrench, empty the water in the sink, take the drain apart and clean it out - have a bucket under the sink, and then put it back together. The clog probably doesn't go much past the initial bend.. A snake would possibly work. All else fails, or you can't won't do these things, call a plumer - probably $150.00 for a weekend call.
Sure. If the pipe under your sink is U-shaped and you feel reasonably comfortable making an in-home repair, you could read up on how to remove the pipe, then get rid of the clog yourself. It will be cheaper than the plumber, but if you don't want to get dirty or feel uncomfortable doing this, call the plumber.
The answer is simple... first try a toilet bowl plunger. I've done this, it can work. If it doesn't there is a part of the drain pipe underneath the sink called the p trap. It is designed to catch things before they clog the drain further "down the line" where it may be impossible to unclog. A pipe wrench is needed to loosen the nuts on either end of the p trap. This will give you access to your clog. Honestly it is probably best to call someone with experience with plumbing to help you with this. Watch and learn for the next time. Potato peelings are not the only thing that will clog a drain. Good luck.
I would have to say in order to prevent damage that you cannot repair and save money in the long run, its better to just call the plumber and pay the $60 dollars for him to repair it professionally.
A plunger may work, but it may also make the problem worse. Draino willl take days and Gallons because the starch in potato peeles gives it a resiliance. The best way to fix this problem is to empty the trap. The trap is the U shaped part of the drian pipe under the sink. Yes, you can handle this. Take a large adjustable pliers and loosen the slip nuts holding the trap on. Be sure to put a busket under the trap first to catch the water being held in the trap. When the nuts are loosened liggle the trap loose, remove and clean it out. Look down the drain in the sink, it should be clear of debris and you should be able to see clearly into the bucket. If this is also clogged I suggest using a wire hanger. Stick one end down the drain and turn it until all the waste is clear. Now that everything is clean, put the drain trap back on. be sure not to tighten these nuts to hard. They may even be made of plastic so be careful. After the trap is on, run some water and check for leaks. If you are still clogged, the peeles made there way past the trap. Now try liquid plumber or draino.. If this does not work try to find someone that knows about plumbing.. If this fails call a plumber and get out the check book.. Good Luck
I'm a plumber. If you don't mind a little dirt, than take the trap off under the sink. All you have to do is loosen two nuts, one on each side. They should be hand tight. Next remove any of the debris inside the trap and reinstall. Finally, throw any other potato peels in the garbage. That should solve your problem.If that don't work than your problem is inside the drain pipe. I highly doubt it.If you don't want to get dirty than call a friend or a plumber.It's a simple fix.