
Staff member
Makes 6 servings.

1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 tablespoon cumin seed
3/4 teaspoon ground fenugreek seed
2 medium onions, diced
6 cups cauliflower florets
(from one large head of cauliflower)
(don't cut the florets, instead try to
separate them with your fingers so they
are about 2 inch cubes)
3 medium fresh tomatoes
1 teaspoon sea salt
50 minutes
Heat large skillet on medium to medium-high heat and add oil. Add spices and cook until fragrant. Add
onion and saute for a about 3 minutes. Then reduce heat and continue to saute until the onions are very
brown (about 10 more minutes). Reduce heat more if the onions start to stick or the bottom of the pan
starts to brown too much. Add cauliflower and mix so the onions get tossed around with the cauliflower.
Cook for about 10 minutes without a lid, stiring occasionally, so the cauliflower gets little small light brown
Cut the fresh tomatoes in half, and with a shredder where the cut side of the tomato is down, shred the
flesh of the tomatoes into the pan. After shredding the flesh in, you should just be left with the skin which
you can discard. Do this for all the fresh tomato halves. Add the salt and mix the tomato flesh in with the
onions and cauliflower. Cover pan, and cook for about 20 minutes until the cauliflower is tender and the
sauce thickens a little. Spoon some of the tomato/onion sauce on a plate, add cauliflower, and serve.

- Use canned tomato sauce instead of fresh tomato puree to make the preparation faster.

Per serving: 83 Calories; 3g Fat (29% calories from fat); 3g Protein; 13g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 353mg