Is it okay to drink vitamin water instead of taking normal vitamins?


New member
I drink vitamin water daily, but have never really been one to take vitamins.Recently I started to wonder if I should be taking vitamins just to be healthier, but if I drink vitamin water is this already covered?I know it has extra calories and sugar in it, but does it still act like a vitamin?I am sixteen years old and have no health issues.
Vitamin water only has limited vitamins in it. Usually B vitamins. A good multi-vitamin has TONS of things you may be missing like Vitamin C, calcium, folic acid, lutein, etc.For optimal health- I'd suggest taking a multi vitamin and fish oil pills.
Unfortunetly, vitamin water's name is deceiving since it contains hardly any vitamins. It basically is just sugar water, but if you like it, it'll cause no harm. It is yummy.Since you're healthy, you probably don't need any added vitamins. If you eat a balanced diet containing enough fruits, veggies, meat, dairy, and grains you're probably getting in all your vitamins. You can ask your doctor if you have any doubts.