Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder

* 2 quarts cranberry juice
* 3 cups pineapple juice
* 3 cups orange juice
* 1/4 cup lemon juice
* 1 liter ginger ale, chilled
* 1 navel orange, sliced


1. Combine the juices in a large container. Refrigerate. Just before serving, stir in ginger ale and orange slices.

Also, I have a general question on Pink Lemonade. Does it always call for cranberry juice? All the ones I found so far seem to. I was just wondering if that was the standard.

Pink Lemonade


* 2 cups white sugar
* 9 cups water
* 2 cups fresh lemon juice
* 1 cup cranberry juice, chilled


1. In large pitcher combine sugar, water, lemon juice and cranberry juice. Stir to dissolve sugar. Serve over ice.