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1/2 oz. Absolut Citron
1/2 oz. Malibu Coconut Rum
1/4 oz. Blue Curacao
1/4 oz. Peach Schnapps
1 Splash Midori Melon Liqueur
1 Splash Grand Marnier
1 Splash Banana Liqueur
1 Splash Orange Juice
1 Splash Pineapple Juice
1 Splash Lemonade

1 Splash Piña Colada Mix
Shake in shaker, serve over ice Garnish with orange and pineapple
slices, and, if served on a Sunday, maraschino cherries. A long
standing favorite with Mother Theresa and LaToya Jackson. You
won't need any psychic friends to warn you to be careful with this
delectable little darling! !!TRIVIA!! : This cocktail was first served
the evening of August 14th 1977. The night Elvis defecated to
death on the Jungle Room john.