Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 whole duck
18 shitake mushrooms
0.5 lb mushroom - diced
tomato concassee
lettuce or spinach
tomato paste
thyme, peppercorns, bay leaves
red wine

Break down the ducks by removing breasts and legs from cage.

Crush cages, roast in the oven with the carrots, onion and celery and tomato paste. Put in large pot, add wine, cook 5 minutes. Add water just to cover. Cook 4 hours, strain.

Confit the duck legs
Score duck breast, cook skin side down, finish on the flesh side.
Grill the mushrooms.

Plate the dish by briefly sauteing the lettuce, put in center of plate. Top with a mushroom cap, add warm concassee, then another mushroom cap. Saute the pulled confit with the diced mushroom, place on top, finish with a mushroom cap.

Sauce the plate around the napoleon, slice and fan he duck breast, laying on top the sauce.
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