Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
6 pears, peeled with stems in tacked
1/2 cup white granulated sugar
2 cups red wine
1 cinnamon sticks
1 lemon peel
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 lime for zests, (optional-for garnish)

PLACE peeled pears in medium saucepan.
SPRINKLE sugar over pears and cover with red wine.
ADD fresh lemon peel and cinnamon stick.
SIMMER pears over low heat until tender, approximately 10-15 minutes.
REMOVE from heat and add lemon juice.
LET pears cool in own juice. (Juice can be thickened slightly with corn starch if desired)

Cooking Tips
To serve:
REMOVE core from bottom of pears and cut in half lengthwise.
PLACE pear halves overlapping in center of plate.
SPOON with sauce and sprinkle with lime zest and garnish with fresh mint.
SERVE warm or at room temperature.

Servings: 6

Crisp pears are take on a rosy glow poached in lightly sweetened red wine. Teased with a bit of lemon and lime these pears make the perfect autumn dessert.

Estimated Times: Est. preparation time: 5 mins
Est. cooking time: 15 mins