Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Yields about 4.5 - 5 Litres

4 cubes of the XOX Vegetable soup base, (or probably around 4-5 tablespoons of regular powdered veg. soup base)

1 L of canned tomatoes

6-9 Chopped Fire Roasted Red Peppers ( you can buy them in glass bottles in containers [I reccomend about 3-4 bottles, as there is only 3 peppers per bottle] make sure you rinse off the bottled ones as they're kept in vinegar)

500 ml of 35% Heavy Whipping Cream

Salt and Pepper to Taste

Chili Flakes To Taste

3 Litres of Water

1) Add all ingredients to pot except for your seasonings.

2) Bring to a boil and turn down to a simmer(medium-low heat)

3) Simmer for about 10-15 minutes, to release flavors

4) Add to a blender or use a hand emulsifier blender to create a smooth consistancy

5) Add seasonings to taste

6) Adjust seasonings/other ingredients if necessary