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baked pie crust
1-1/2 cups sour cream 350 mL
2 eggs, separated 1
1/2 tsp cinnamon 2 mL
1/4 tsp nutmeg 1 mL
1/4 tsp cloves 1 mL
1/4 cup flour 60 mL
1 cup sugar 250 mL
dash of salt
1/2 cup chopped raisins 125 mL
1 tsp vanilla 5 mL
2 tbsp sugar 30 mL

Scald 1 cup/250 mL of the cream in a double boiler.

Mix egg yolks, spices, flour, sugar and remaining cream and add slowly to the hot mixture. Cook 15 minutes.

Add raisins and vanilla.

When partly cooled, pour into the baked crust.

Cover with meringue made from stiffly beaten egg whites and 2 tbsp/30 mL sugar.

Brown in a slow oven (300°F/150°C - 350°F/180°C).