Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
-------------------------------WAFFLE STARTER-------------------------------
1 c Sourdough starter 1/4 lb Butter, melted
1 1/2 c Milk, warmed 1 ts Salt
1/2 c Graham flour (they come out 1 c Flour
-just fine using all white 1 ts Sugar
-flour too)
4 servings
------------------------------WAFFLE FINISHER------------------------------
2 Eggs beaten 1/4 ts Baking soda

The night before breakfast, combine Waffle Starter ingredients in non-
reactive bowl such as wood or plastic and mix with wooden spoon. Beat
until smooth. Use a large bowl as this will double in size. Cover with
plastic wrap. Replenish starter with a cup of water and a cup of flour.
Cover starter. Allow both to sit overnight at room temperature. To make
waffles the next morning: Preheat oven on very low temp. Warm the waffle
iron, warm the plates in the oven. Beat eggs and add eggs and baking soda
to the Waffle Starter. The Waffle Starter should be full of bubbles and
have a sourdough smell by now. It may have collapsed and look odd. That's
ok. Lighlty oil or butter the waffle iron when ready and pour in batter. Do
not spread with a spoon. Let the batter flow to its own height. The batter
should be neither stiff nor watery. It should pour smoothly and easily.
Allow these to cook well, until golden brown, just a tad (30 seconds or a
minute) past when you see the steam stop coming from the waffle maker. They
will be nice and crisp yet not crunchy. Delicious!
******************************** Hint: The batter will keep a day or two in
the fridge, well covered. These also freeze well to make the best homemade
'eggo's type frozen waffles ever! ******************************** For
pancakes, reduce butter to 4 Tbs, or substitute 1/4 cup corn oil.
******************************** As with any sourdough recipe, this lives
and dies with the sourdough starter. The better the starter the better the
end result. Still, the first time I made these I knew this was the recipe I
had been looking for. Our cold Alaskan winters make a nice hot Saturday
breakfast a warm and cozy start before facing the crackling cold air. These
are guaranteed to be light and crispy with a flavorful sourdough tang.