What are the differences in pregnancy symptoms on and off birthcontrol?


New member
If your on birthcontrol , and say you do happen to get pregnant...would the pregnancy symptoms you experience off birth control be the same if you were ON birthcontrol?
Hi there,Not necessarily. Every woman's symptoms of being on birth control (I assume you mean the pill, or another hormonal birth control, such as the Depo-Provera shot.) are different, and it's the same with pregnancy. It's true that many pregnancy symptoms can be similar to those experienced on birth control, but they can also be symptoms of other things.If you have reason to believe you could be pregnant, I would wait one week past your missed period (at least a week, no matter what the home pregnancy tests might tell you, as it takes many women time for the pregnancy hormone (hcg) to build up in their system.), and take a pregnancy test, to ensure that all your options are open to you and/or you can get proper pre-natal care if you choose to continue the pregnancy.Best wishes.