What kitchen utensil makes you the least lonley?


New member
I often find myself alone and naked in my home, and have nothing to do but entertain myself with my kitchen utensils, any tips or heads up for me in this front?
see a psychiatrist. not to be mean or anything, but how the HELL are we supposed to tell which kitchen utensil is the least lonely? and get a tv or a computer or read a book or go outside or start cooking or join a club there is a bunch of things you can do and put some damn clothes on!!!
omg me to not relly ur werid can u answer mine plz mine is seriousehttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvcaiqskD3c6IYMT_SIbT.gazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090707001053AAGZ8ljthx