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What vitamins that can increase my fertility and my sperm count?They said sperm cells contains protein, it is true?
protein, eat an expensive steak everyday, become a pornstar (who doesn't ever do scenes) and write it off as a business expense on your taxes
...what you need to do is to start to drink the warm-silky "nectar" from the "sweet bearded CLAM" ! (it has all the nutrients you need !)
Study after study has shown that a healthy diet full of vitamins and key minerals, like zinc, has a very positive effect on a body's ability to create healthy sperm. Also, there are fertility enhancing supplements on the market. Products like FertileMax and Proxeed can help! These products have a number of active ingredients, like vitamin C, selenium and CoQ10, all of which are clinically proven to have a definite impact on the creation of healthy sperm.
Natural Male Fertility Supplement: Fertile XY - Herbal Infertility Remedy - A 100% safe, natural male fertility supplement containing a selection of herbs that support healthy sperm production and function. An effective herbal infertility remedy for men. # Epimedium grandiflorum (Horny Goat weed) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to promote male potency and reproductive health. Recent research has confirmed that this herb can increase sperm production. # Centella Asiatica (Gotu kola) is believed by traditional Chinese herbalists to provide longevity and it was thus called the "fountain of youth" herb in China. It is well known in Ayurvedic (Indian) and African traditional medicine, and has a wide range of beneficial effects. Regular use helps to promote connective tissue strength and the walls of blood vessels, including the seminiferous tubules that manufacture sperm.